La fédération mondiale des journalistes scientifiques (WFSJ), dont l’AJSPI fait partie, nous convie à une série de webinaires sur le COVID avec des responsables de l’OMS.
Ce troisième webinaire portera sur « Les déterminants sociaux de la santé ».
Il se tiendra le mardi 2 octobre 2020, à 16h30 (heure de Paris, place de la nation).
Voici l’invitation (en anglais mais la conférence sera traduite). Et attention !, ce n’est pas l’Ajspi qui gère les inscriptions, suivez la procédure ci-dessous.
Dear colleague,
I am pleased to invite you to attend the next webinar for science journalists organised by the WHO and the WFSJ.
This next webinar, to be held on Friday 2 October at 16:30, will address “Social Determinants of Health”. The main panelist will be Dr Etienne Krug, WHO’s headquarters Director of the Department of Social Determinants of Health.
As a participant in our previous webinars, you know that this webinar is by invitation only to members of our community. You will find below the registration details in your preferred language. Should you wish to join us, I invite you to register at your earliest convenience as registration will close in the next few days.
The Webinar will be co-moderated by our colleague Valeria Roman from Argentina. Feel free to send questions you may want to be addressed during the event, to Valeria at the following address:
Best regards
Christophe Bourillon I Executive Director WFSJ
- English (Base language):
- Arabic:
- Chinese (Simplified):
- French:
- Portuguese:
- Russian:
- Spanish: